Obelyskkh Stream New Album With Terrorizer

By on 18 September 2013


We’ve got a treat in store for you today, as we present an exclusive stream of German sludge behemoths Obelyskkh’s new album ‘Hymn To Pan’.

‘Hymn To Pan’, their third full length (and second record to be released through Exile On Mainstream Records) is a delectable slab of burly, skull smashing doom with enough psychedelic flourishes to satisfy even the most couch bound bong aficionado.  The album was recorded mere months after 2012’s ‘White Lightnin”, and captures the sound of a band firing on all cylinders. Vocals range from harsh shrieks to mournful wails as they drift through the swathes of dense riffs and gut rumbling bass tones, and with the able hands of Brad Boatright (Sleep, High On Fire, Tragedy, etc) behind the mixing desk, the whole thing sounds absolutely spectacular.

So, crank up those speakers and listen to all of ‘Hymn To Pan’ right here…

‘Hymn To Pan’ was released on August 30th via Exile On Mainstream Records, and is available to order here.

You can find Obelyskk on Facebook.

About Kez Whelan

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